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Virtuous Deception Page 15

  Frank Mason found them in the same manner he found his wife, through word of mouth. They were a little suspicious at first, but the money was right and on time, every time. They did the surveillance work he requested. Months went by before they realized who it was they were actually watching and could barely believe their luck. Their arrangement with Frank had been in place for the last four years or so. Initially, they were mainly watching Lewis, but Frank made it obvious he was more interested in his daughter.

  Frank wanting to keep tabs on Lewis, for whatever reason, made sense to them. They had their own reasons for doing so, but they didn’t see the importance of knowing his daughter’s whereabouts. It seemed strange to them but watching her had been the catalyst for their vengeance. Mike primarily kept eyes on Lewis and John took the girl. They remembered how much Lewis would rave about his baby girl and could only imagine, given her beauty, that his adoration had grown over the years. Mike was the engineer, and it seemed simple enough: snatch the girl and force Lewis’s hand. The way they figured it, he would do anything to protect her.

  It wasn’t about the money, although they gladly accepted it; it was the principle. Lewis had embarrassed them, and they were anxious to return the favor. He played them and made them look weak, and he simply could not get away with that. They wanted to make him grovel and beg for his life; to break him. In order to pull this off, they needed more intimate information. Things someone could only know if they were close to the family.

  They figured the easiest way to get in would be through the girl. They had propositioned a few guys before selecting Armand. They had seen him around the way, and he was popular with the ladies. He was exactly what they were looking for: attractive enough to grab her attention and amenable enough to follow instructions without question. Armand was an important part of their plan. They were pleased that he agreed to do it and didn’t think anything of his eagerness. They were giving him a fairly substantial amount of cash to do something any man would do for free.

  Armand had done great work for them. Things had gone even better than expected; the two meshed so well that he ended up moving in with her. The Marx Brothers knew it was only a matter of time before they learned of something that they could use. A vulnerability they could exploit with Lewis, but months went by, and Armand’s knowledge seemed to have reached a plateau. They had been able to get some good information, but not exactly what they wanted. Nothing that they could use and Mike suspected Armand had fallen in love with the girl. John was convinced he had, despite the many women he had running in and out of that apartment. None of them compared to her.

  All they had to go on was that the girl had a strained relationship with her father. She had no pictures of him, aside from one when she was still a small child. He would call her often, but she did not accept many of his phone calls. Lewis had never visited her at her home, but these things were not a deterrent. Even if Lewis’s daughter wanted nothing to do with him, they concluded that he would still not want any harm to come to her. They had plenty of information on her but not nearly enough on Lewis, which was the sole purpose for Armand’s relationship with the woman.

  Mike wanted to give Armand a little more time to give them something—anything. He liked the kid, but time was running out, and they needed to make a move. Lewis was losing control a bit.

  Through the years, Lewis had the same routine. First, he’d run around his neighborhood every morning, like clockwork. Next, he’d make his rounds with the women in his life, and there was an ample supply of them scattered throughout the city in various upscale hotels. One day he made at least five stops. The Marx Brothers weren’t sure what all he was doing with them, but whatever it was . . . must have paid Lewis well. The man did not do anything else with his time; it simply had to be his hustle.

  Once, Mike saw a chink in Lewis’s armor: he witnessed a blowup between Lewis and one of his women at a hotel. It was the first time Mike had seen Lewis lose his cool. He also got word that one of Lewis’s women was running with another woman. Lewis’s world seemed to be spiraling out of control. Mike didn’t know how much longer Lewis was going to be able to keep it together, and an unpredictable Lewis would complicate things significantly. They had to turn it up a notch to speed things along; Mike had personally pushed Armand for more information, and he had not given him anything.

  Over the last several days, Mike had not been able to reach Armand at all. Mike decided it was best they go ahead and make their move. Her going out of town cemented the decision. Fortunately, one of John’s old contacts at the airport was able to get her destination when she checked in her luggage. Mike and John simply took a later flight out, made the grab, and used a friend’s private plane on the return trip. It all seemed simple to execute, but nothing had gone according to plan. Several things had gone terribly wrong.

  First, there was Florence Griffith-Joyner on the beach. She took them by surprise; they were certain their target was alone. They had seen her twice since they had arrived, and although she had been dressed in two different outfits, she was alone the entire time they tracked her. Mike did not want or have the time to dispose of a body, so they were forced to leave the other girl, running the risk of a potential witness. She didn’t get close enough to make an identification, but she saw what happened and could have alerted the authorities. He thought it strange that she had not. He had been monitoring various news outlets and had not heard anything about a kidnapping or even anyone being reported missing. Maybe the other girl realized she was mistaken. His recollection sharpened, noticing that their captive responded to her voice. Now that Mike thought about it . . . Flo-Jo called her something else . . . Bria, Rianna, Brianna, or something like that.

  Leaving her there was a huge gamble that had paid off so far. Now, with Lewis dead, their plan right along with him, it was no longer a question of how could they use the girl, but how could they get rid of her. Mike did not want to hurt her. His issue was not with her but with her father. There was no way he could convince John just to let her walk away; she was too much of a liability. He needed more time to figure this out, and he didn’t have it. John could only be contained for so long, and he was already upset. He needed Armand to contact him. Mike didn’t fully understand why he valued the girl’s life so much. Maybe he softened in his old age, but whatever the reason was, he wanted her to survive this, and he wanted to get out too. Maybe if they could still get something out of it . . . he could keep the girl alive.

  Chapter 30

  After Armand gave Michelle the news about her dad, they spent a few more days in the hotel. She needed the time, and Armand loved her enough to insist. He insisted that she lay in his arms and cry until she couldn’t anymore. Insisted that he be allowed to carefully and lovingly massage the tension out of her body. Insisted that she release any notion that any of this was her fault. Her heart was heavy, her body run-down, but she felt strong.

  Michelle spoke with her mom after she composed herself a bit, preparing to lend her mom what little strength she had . . . only to find her mother in a surprisingly cheerful mood. Michelle had thought perhaps her mom was in denial and had dismissed it, but now that she was home, she knew she had been wrong. It had been awhile since Michelle had been to her parents’ house; months, in fact. The energy was awkward.

  Michelle had expected a somber, ominous atmosphere at her parents’ home, but it was actually relatively light. Her mother did not appear to be in any pain at all, but Michelle figured she was only trying to put up a brave front for her; she always had. It was definitely weird being there, knowing her father would never walk through the halls again, compounded by her not having to sneak in through the back door during the night to avoid any eyes that may be watching. Her life was growing more and more bizarre by the minute.

  “Michelle . . . Michelle . . . Will you come here a minute? I need to talk to you.”

  Michelle was grateful that her mom was dealing with her loss so well, but her chipper demeanor was unnervin
g. She was worried that if her mom did not find a way to accept it and properly grieve, she might lose her mind.

  “Coming, Mom!” Michelle climbed down out of her bed and walked into the kitchen where she could hear her mom clanking dishes around.

  “Do you want breakfast, Number One?” Sophie called Michelle Number One for as long as she could remember. Sophie had told her it was because she wanted Michelle to know that no matter what, she would always be her priority. Michelle thought of Brianna and wondered if that was the truth.

  “Sure, Mom. Are you doing okay? I’m worried about you.”

  Sophie stopped what she was doing and looked at her daughter. “I’m fine.”

  “Mom, are you sure? I haven’t seen you cry or anything. You need to grieve.”

  “I’ll be okay. I have had awhile to sit with this change. I am grieving, dear. It might not look like it, but I am, okay?”

  “Will you miss him? It feels strange being here knowing he’s never coming back.”

  Sophie walked from the stove to the island where Michelle sat on a stool and wrapped her arms around her. “Of course, I’ll miss him. I loved him, but when it’s our time to go . . . It’s just our time. We cannot change it.”

  “I know, but it seems so sudden, doesn’t it? I didn’t even know Dad was sick.”

  “He’s been sick for a while. We thought he was doing better, but I guess his heart just gave out.”

  “What did they say happened exactly?”

  “Essentially, he suffocated. He couldn’t get enough oxygen to his lungs. They tried to explain it to me, but I . . . I was in a daze. I don’t remember beyond that.”

  Michelle did not understand why her parents would not tell her about the condition of her father’s health, especially if it was a matter of life and death, but it didn’t matter now. “Well, I am here, Mom. If you need anything, I’m here.”

  “I know, sweetheart, and that’s what I wanted to speak with you about.”

  “Okay, what is it? What do you need?”

  “I need for you to leave after the funeral.”

  “Excuse me? I had planned to stay here and help you.”

  “I know, but I won’t be here. I think I need to get away for a few days. I’ve already booked a flight, and I’ll be leaving in a week.”

  Michelle was shocked. Her mom had never gone anywhere, but she understood if she needed to leave now. She had only been at the house one night, and she could hardly stand it. “Where are you going?”

  Sophie wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell Michelle her destination. The truth was, her friend in the coroner’s office suggested she leave for a while and let things settle down. Although there had not been any questions raised in regards to Lewis’s sudden death, she wanted to be out of reach in case there were. Michelle did not need to be in the middle of any of this. Sophie needed to protect her; she could not tell her where she was going. “I think I’m heading to my parents’ house for a while.”

  Michelle flinched like she’d been stuck with a knife. Sophie was just full of surprises today. “Your parents? You mean, my grandparents? You have never even mentioned them before. I didn’t even know they were alive.”

  “We have not spoken in years. I think it’s a good time to try to mend that relationship. There’s nothing more important than family, and life is too short. Your father’s passing has helped me to see that.”

  “That’s good, Mom. Maybe I can meet them one day?”

  “I hope so. If things go well.” Sophie felt a little guilty about lying to Michelle, and even more so about going to her parents’ house. It actually was not a bad idea. Maybe at some point, she really should go and try to repair things.

  “Good. That would be nice. So, you don’t need me to stay after the funeral?”

  “I’m positive. Of course, you can come back and help with dinner, but there’s no need to stay beyond that, really.”

  “If that’s what you want, I’m fine with it. I have a few things I need to tend to, anyway. If you change your mind at any point, let me know.”

  “I will. Now let’s eat breakfast. I’m starving.”

  Chapter 31

  Frank had a feeling he was going to prison, but he was not sure he cared. He felt sick inside. How could he have been so blind all these years? He had been so busy trying to keep the nature of Brianna’s adoption a secret that he had not been paying any attention to his wife’s condition. No wonder she spent so much time away from home. She was married to a man who took absolutely no interest in her as a woman. He was ashamed of himself.

  How could things have gotten so far out of hand? He was not a bad person. Sure, at first, he was just trying to meet the requirements in order to get the money from his trust, but he loved Lisa and Brianna; they were his world. He was angry with Lisa for losing the money, but more so because he did not know how to keep things in place without it. He could not pay the Marx Brothers, and it was probably a matter of time before Brianna would find out the truth. She would certainly hate him, and she would have every right to do so.

  He had not had any visitors yet. Not even a lawyer, but he put Lisa and Brianna on the list, just in case. Jacob was his only friend, but that friendship was over. Frank was still angry, and if he saw Jacob, he would beat his ass all over again. Some part of him wanted to speak with his old friend, the man that he once loved like a brother. He wanted to know how he was capable of doing something so heinous. He would never have guessed that he could do that, and even now, it was difficult for him to believe. He heard that Jacob was still in the hospital but no longer in ICU. He was glad for that. Jacob’s continuing improvement ensured that there could be no murder charge.

  Jail was not his favorite place, but there was something about the isolation that gave him peace, or at least, it helped him to find it. There were so many things he needed to address, to correct, and he had no idea where to start. From his cell, he did not have to make any decisions. Everything was decided for him; it made it easier for him to deal with everything. It simplified his reality. Frank needed to be honest with the women he loved. He was not looking forward to it, but he’d do it. He was not concerned with getting out of jail, acquiring a lawyer, or anything of the like. That part of the process was inevitable. He was prioritizing. Focused, finally, on the things his money could not fix. No amount of money could repair the broken relationships in his life. He would have to do the work. He only wondered who would be first.

  Chapter 32

  The ride to the funeral seemed painfully long. Michelle held her mother’s hand while they sat in the backseat of the Escalade limousine, riding in silence. She was dressed in a slender black dress with a cut just below her knees; her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She wore a large pair of black Jackie O sunglasses over her eyes, a look intentioned to disguise her; she did not want to be easily recognized.

  Sophie looked exceptionally beautiful and was dressed similarly. She was grateful to have Michelle so close. This proved to be more difficult than she had anticipated. Even though her life with Lewis had been tumultuous, she would miss him for the rare moments when he made her feel loved, special. The rest she was glad to say good-bye to. The limo came to a stop, and the driver got out and opened their door. Sophie took a deep breath and stepped out of the vehicle. She took Michelle’s hand and walked carefully to the area where her husband, Lewis, would be laid to rest.

  With each step, she felt the contents of her stomach threatening to interrupt the service as she drew nearer to her seat in front of the casket. Her legs trembled, and she was convinced her knees would buckle if she didn’t sit quickly. She scanned the crowd and did not recognize many of the people there. Once she sat with Michelle on her right-hand side, she felt better. Lewis looked handsome lying there; the arrangement was really beautiful. Sophie would certainly miss him. She felt her decision to have the ceremony at the burial site was fitting. The weather was a mirror of him: cold, yet appropriately sunny, with a slight overcast of cloud cover.<
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  She did not know many of Lewis’s friends, but she shared the arrangements with the few she did. Perhaps they were responsible for the large gathering. Sophie had to admit she was more than a bit surprised by the turnout; she had no clue Lewis was so popular. Not as surprising, though, were the number of women in attendance. The photographs flashed through her mind and a few of the women there she recognized. If Michelle had not been beside her, she might have made a scene. Their presence was beyond disrespectful, and she was no longer the type of woman to accept it. For Michelle, she would not address them; for Michelle, she would permit their insolence for the moment . . . and deal with them later.

  She shook her head and wiped her eyes. She needed to focus. Be present. Michelle was stoic. She hardly cried at all, but Sophie felt her pain. She held her mother’s hand so tightly that if she had any color in it, she’d have lost it. Poor Michelle. Sophie could only imagine how painful this was for her. Without warning, Sophie started to feel something she had not felt over the last week. Something she expected to swarm her while she watched Lewis take his last breaths . . . guilt. She felt remorse over her decision to free herself, realizing the act cost her daughter her father.

  The part of the ceremony where people viewed the body commenced as the last rows took their turn. This process always seemed a bit odd to Sophie. She understood that on some level it confirmed that the person was, indeed, deceased, but she always thought it better to consider the perished as absent and to remember them as they lived. Nevertheless, the procession moved fairly quickly. Faceless women, men, of various ages. Some cried hysterically, while others scoffed over his body, but there was one whose frame had been so prominent in the pictures that Sophie recognized her by it alone, one that lingered a touch longer than the rest and claimed Sophie’s attention. From her seat, Sophie saw her hands on Lewis’s face.