Virtuous Deception Read online

Page 17

  “You selfish bastard! It hurt us! You changed our reality forever. We were intended to share this life together, but your desires came first. You ripped us apart. Ignorance is not bliss; it’s simply ignorance. I deserved to have her in my life, and she deserved to have me. You had no right!”

  “I am sorry—”

  “I don’t want to hear it. Where did you take her? Where were we? Was I there?” Michelle was crying now.

  “The hospital. Took her from the hospital.”

  “From whom? Who is my mother? My father?”

  “I don’t know.”

  The guard came to the door. Their thirty minutes were up, but Michelle was not ready to leave. She pleaded with the guard for more time, screaming at Frank in desperation. “Who are our parents? Frank, answer me!”

  Frank sat in silence. His face was sullen, dismayed. He couldn’t tell her. He wouldn’t. That information he would save for Brianna.

  “Wait, Frank . . . Frank!” Michelle grabbed at the door as the guard escorted her out of the room and toward the exit.

  Chapter 35

  Brianna was heartbroken over the loss of her father. She hadn’t even gotten a chance to speak with him. She wished that she could at least talk to her mom, Michelle, or someone to confirm Mike’s story. For now, she had no choice really but to believe him. She didn’t know how it would benefit him to mislead her, but she held out hope that maybe he was mistaken. John had come in earlier to intimidate her, brandishing a 9 mm and promising to beat her, shoot her, or some combination thereof. She learned early on that it’s best to remain quiet. Every interaction with him had been violent. John was mean, scary, the kind of stuff nightmares were made of. Mike, on the other hand, was not as frightening. He had a quiet demeanor, firm but gentle. She wanted to trust him, or maybe she needed to. She needed something to grab on to.

  There were no windows in her room. No decorative items or furniture of any kind. The walls were wood panel, and the floor was carpeted. The door was barred from the outside, and she believed that she could count how many pieces of Sheetrock were in the ceiling. She had been walking around the room for several hours, trying to think of anything she may have missed that could help her, or help Mike. She heard the door slam, and she knew John was gone. Each night he left around the same time and stayed gone until morning.

  Mike would usually come in to feed her while John was away. She could not help but feel a twinge of disdain at her new normal. Had she been with them that long? The door opened, and Mike walked in with her tray of food, the same ham sandwich with mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles, the same baked Lay’s potato chips with a glass of V8 Juice. He set the tray down near the door, left, and closed the door behind him. After enough time had passed for her to retrieve the tray, he reentered the room. Brianna was a bit surprised and uncomfortable with the change. She was not sure what it meant.

  “Chill, ma, I ain’t goin’ to hurt you.”

  Mike’s statements were robotic, devoid of emotion, and Brianna couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. She didn’t know what Mike wanted to speak with her about, but she was prepared to help him if she could.

  “Look, someone is comin’ through. Keep quiet. Shit get real bad, real fast, otherwise. I’m tryin’ to help you out. Fuck me, and I’ll let John loose on ya ass.”

  Brianna understood, and she nodded in agreement. She continued eating and did not verbally respond. She thought of screaming, yelling for help, but the truth was that she didn’t know who this person was that Mike’s expecting. He could be even worse than John. Mike had not hurt her, and, given the circumstances, he had taken pretty good care of her. She would not say anything. She decided that silence would be best.

  “I’ll be back later to get that tray.”

  Mike left the room and prepared for Javan’s arrival. Javan had called and said he’d be there any minute. Mike had not decided if he would tell him the whole truth. There were pros and cons to both. Mike heard Javan’s Benz pull up in the driveway and shook his head. He had told Javan about driving that ride in the neighborhood. It attracted too much attention they did not want or need. He opened the front door and waved him inside.

  “Are you fuckin’ serious, J? What the fuck did I tell ya ass ’bout that damn car?”

  “Look, I paid for that car, and I’ll drive it if I choose to. Tonight, I chose to. It’s that simple.”

  “But you knew you were comin’ through, though. That shit attracts unwanted mufackin’ attention, J. I don’t need that bullshit.”

  “Get off it, bruh . . . I’m here now. Talk.”

  “Pushin’ it, bruh.”

  “Now, what could you not tell me over the phone?”

  Javan and Mike each took a seat in one of the four rusted metal fold up chairs that made up the living-room furniture. The bare cement floor creaked as each sat down, causing the chairs to scrape across its surface. Mike blew out some air as he explained his issue. “This guy was into us for close to thirty large. Old debt, but we saw an opportunity to collect and had to take it.”

  “Okay . . . So what happened?”

  “Well, we snatched up this girl—”

  “You did what? Wait a minute. No, you didn’t.”

  “Look, it was stupid. But we got his seed. We were goin’ to hold her until he broke us off. Nothin’ major. He got the dough . . . but—”

  “I cannot believe I’m hearing this. Are you fucking kidding me, bruh? What the fuck, man?”

  Mike figured Javan would trip a little, but it’s not like he had never had any trouble. Mike knew about the bones in his closet, and he really didn’t have any room to judge him. He may as well tell him everything. “The dude died, now I’m stuck wit’ her.”


  “He got a tote for her.”

  “Damn it.”

  “That was neva the plan, though.”

  “Shit. I cannot believe you got me over here in the middle of your shit, Mike!”

  “I know, but, shit, come on. I remember your situation. How did you get out? I need a way out.”

  “A way out? Is she here?” Javan got up and started walking through the house. “Where is she?” He ignored the insinuation. That was a moment in his past, and honestly, he didn’t know the answer anyway.

  “Wait, Javan. Hold up.”

  Brianna could hear voices. Distant at first, but they got louder and louder. She could hear Mike saying something, and the other she couldn’t make out.

  “Where is she? Which room, Mike?” Javan was yelling now, annoyed that his brother had got him mixed up in this mess. He was not leaving this girl at John’s mercy. He didn’t trust him.

  Chill bumps covered Brianna’s arms and legs. The hairs stood up all over her body. Her heart started beating faster. She knew that voice. She knew it. Brianna ran to the door and began beating on it and screaming frantically. “Javan? Javan!”

  “Brianna?” Javan could not believe it. What was Brianna doing here? He turned to his brother, his eyes accusatory. “What is Brianna doing here, Mike?”

  Mike was confused. He didn’t know who Brianna was. “I don’t know who Brianna is . . . the girl in there is Michelle.”

  “Which room is she in, Mike? Brianna! Bria!”

  “Javan, I’m in here! I’m in here! Javan!”

  “I’m coming, Bria. Just hold on, babe.”

  Javan turned again to his brother. “Open this damn door, Mike. Open it right now!”

  Mike was not sure what he should do, but he had seen that look in his brother’s eye before. He twisted the tiny metallic knob: twice to the left stopping on thirty-five, then to the right, landing on sixteen, then three times to the left, pausing on ten, listened for the click, removed it, and pushed the metal bar to the side. Javan thrust open the door, and Brianna collapsed into his arms, crying uncontrollably.

  “You found me! I cannot believe you found me!”

  Mike fell back against the wall, bewildered by yet another turn of events. Th
is was not Michelle? How could they have fucked this up? Who was this girl? “Say, yo’ name is Michelle . . . J . . . hol’ up. Yo’ name is Michelle, right?”

  Javan interceded for Brianna. He did not want his brother talking to her. “Don’t talk to her, bruh; just don’t say shit.”

  Mike continued to plead his case. “Javan, you’re my brother, I didn’t know. We better than that. Come—”

  The steel Mike saw in his brother’s eyes stopped him cold; then Javan continued to console Brianna. “Are you hurt, baby? Are you okay?”

  Brianna stopped crying and looked at Javan. Did he just say brother? Suddenly, she no longer felt so lucky. How did Javan find her? How did he even know she was missing? Michelle did not know Javan to tell him. No one knew about Javan. He had been her little secret.

  “Javan, how do you know Mike? How did you find me? I don’t understand.” Brianna began backing away from Javan, her arms outstretched in front of her. She was shaking and overcome with distress. “Were you in on this? Are you working together?”

  “Bria, baby . . . Wait, hold on . . . Let me explain. I didn’t know you were here. Mike is my big brother. He called me over here to talk to me about something, all right?”

  Brianna was still backpedaling, not completely convinced. It just seemed too good to be true.

  “We are not working together, okay? Mike, tell her, man.”

  “Br-i-an-na . . .” Mike stated hesitantly. “He’s straight.”

  “See, babe? Now let me take you out of here. Come here. It’s me, Bria.”

  “Javan, I can’t let you do that, man.”

  “What are you talking about? Mike, this isn’t just some girl, man. I love her, and I’m not leaving here without her. Bria . . . Bria . . . Come here.”

  Brianna wanted to believe Javan, but how could she be sure?

  “Look at me, woman. Have I ever lied to you about anything? I need you to trust me right now. I know it looks bad. Just trust me. Come here.”

  Brianna looked at Javan, standing in the doorway, arms open, begging her to join him. Her legs moved without her permission. She was in his arms before she could object. He pulled her through the hallway that she saw for the first time.

  “Javan, man, wait. You can’t just walk up out of here. Whatchu think this is? I could be lookin’ at twenty-five, easy.”

  Javan dithered and considered the severity of his brother’s words. He could not ask Brianna to keep quiet about this. It was horrible what his brother had done. Brianna could have been seriously hurt, and that thought alone made Javan want to fuck his brother up himself. “I don’t want you losing daylight in a cell, bruh, but I’m not leaving here without her. John could be back any minute; she’s not safe here.”

  “Javan, I don’t know who you think she is, man, but her name is not Brianna. It’s Michelle.”

  Brianna looked at Mike but did not say anything. She did not correct him. If he thought she was Michelle, so be it. They must have intended to grab Michelle, and she was not going to tell him that Michelle was still out there. No, she would just have to trust that Javan could figure this out.

  “Mike, I don’t care who you think she is . . . whatever you want to call her . . . Brianna or Michelle. Consider her gone, bruh. She’s coming with me.”

  Mike looked helplessly at his brother. He knew better than to try to stop him. He did not know how he would explain this to John. Javan could see the stress lines on his brother’s face, but it was of no concern to him. Mike would have to figure it out.

  “I’ll take her somewhere safe. We won’t go to the cops for now. I won’t tell you where we’ll be, but I’ll be accessible by phone.”

  “Nah, man, that ain’t happenin’.” Mike had expected some advice—not a damn rescue effort.

  “Let me help you with this. You cannot control John, and the last thing I’m sure you want is a dead body on your hands.”

  Mike trusted his brother but not this girl. He hadn’t wanted to believe it, but John was right. The only way to stay free was to silence her—permanently.

  “Javan . . . I hear you . . . but—”

  “Mike, I am not asking you!”

  Mike looked at Brianna and knew he couldn’t harm her. If he had to do time, he earned it, but he was done with this part of his life, ready to put it to bed for good. Besides, he had a move left, and he didn’t need her for it.

  “I’m telling you. I’m leaving with her right now. Bria, let’s go. Just hold on to me.”

  They were standing in the front room, almost to the door. Some part of Mike was still trying to keep them from leaving. It may have been silly, but he couldn’t shake the guilt from betraying John. He would definitely not be cool with this, but Javan was right. He did not want John to body her or for anything bad to happen to her. This may be the only way.

  “I’ll call you later, Mike. John is crazy, and I advise you to leave too.”

  Javan took Brianna out of the house, placed her in the car, and drove away. Mike stood in the doorway, dumbfounded. The girl would have her life, but he was not sure how much longer he would have his. He only had one card left to play, and he hoped it kept him in the game.

  Chapter 36

  “I cannot believe she would look at me and lie, Armand.”

  Michelle was fuming. She called Armand as soon as she stepped one foot outside the jail and demanded that he take her back to her mom’s. As far as she was concerned, he could not get there fast enough!

  “Michelle, you don’t know anything yet, okay? Just hold off until you ask her.”

  “I am so furious! I just . . . It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

  Michelle had given Sophie every opportunity to come clean about everything, and she had not taken any of them. Michelle wondered if she would still deny it with so much evidence stacked against her.

  “So, Frank told you that he bought your sister? From whom? Maybe it was the doctor’s doing?”

  “I don’t think so. It had to be her. I wish it weren’t.”

  Michelle’s stomach was a swarm of butterflies, and she was sweating enough to fill a kiddie pool. She would take no pleasure in the conversation she was about to have with the woman who had raised her. She only hoped she would be as happy on the other end of the rabbit hole once her mother came clean . . . if she came clean, as Alice was.

  “You can come in. She wants to meet you anyway. No time like the present.”

  “Michelle, you’re upset. Are you sure about this?”

  Michelle gave Armand a look that let him know that he need not speak another word. They pulled up to the house, and Michelle jumped out of the car, bolting inside before Armand could take the car out of gear. He was not far behind her.

  “Mom! Mom, I need to talk with you.”

  “Number One, is that you, love?”

  Her mother’s nickname for her used to elicit feelings of joy and made her feel loved, special, but hearing it now simply pissed her off. “Funny you should say that . . . Number One.”

  Sophie was perplexed by Michelle’s angry disposition. “Is something wrong, Michelle?”

  Michelle stormed into the living room where Sophie was seated, flipping through some pictures. “We need to talk.”

  Sophie noticed Armand standing behind Michelle. “Is this Armand? Did you finally bring the young man by to meet me?”

  Michelle looked at Armand, who tried to disappear into the living-room wall. The heat she felt about everything resonated through her being. “This visit isn’t about him, Mom.”

  Michelle’s statement garnered Sophie’s undivided attention. She tried to get ahead of the potential trouble that resided in her daughter’s stare. “Michelle, I don’t know what is going on, but you need to change your tone.”

  “Trust me, my tone is the least of your worries.”

  “I am your mother, and you will not speak to me in this way.”

  “Are you my mother? Are you sure?”

  “Michelle, what is this nonsen
se? Yes, I am your mother. You’re my Number One.” Sophie chuckled halfheartedly, feeling uneasy with this line of questioning.

  “Why do you call me that?”

  Michelle’s question seemed innocent, but her manner had deeper implications. She was fishing for something, and Sophie wanted her to get to the point or drop it altogether. She tried to keep her attitude light, hoping that it would lighten the tension that slowly engulfed the room. “Michelle, what is this about?”

  “Mom, this is about the $5 million you gave me after I graduated from college.”

  Sophie’s heart began to flutter, and her hands shook nervously. She told herself to relax; she had nothing to fret over. Michelle did not know anything. How could she? The only other person that knew . . . took that to the grave with him.

  “Yes, it was a gift from your father and me,” Sophie stated, confident that her answer would end these questions. She looked at Michelle softly, ushering a soft plea for her to accept what she offered, but Michelle was not having it.

  “It’s interesting . . . I talked to Dad, and he did not know anything about it. He didn’t say anything, but when I thanked him for it, I could see the surprise in his eyes.”

  Sophie’s stomach churned in angst. This could not be happening. She sent a silent prayer for something . . . anything to end it. “I didn’t tell your father everything, Mich—”

  “Where did you get the money, Mom?” Michelle interrupted her, refusing to indulge one more lie. Embedded in the fury growing beneath her brown eyes, her heart was breaking. Why wouldn’t her mother tell her the truth?

  “My savings. I had been saving it since you were born.”

  Michelle shook her head to keep from crying, wiping the beginnings of tears from her eyes with the back of her wrists. “Don’t you mean since we were born, Mom?” Would she still pretend that Brianna didn’t exist? The game was over, and Michelle would not let her continue playing.