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Virtuous Deception Page 19
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Page 19
Lisa was not afraid, but she thought it better to let this slide. Michelle was obviously and rightfully upset. “Let’s just talk, okay? We’re both emotional right now.”
“What was going on between you and my dad?”
“Nothing that concerns you.” Lisa did not want to dig that back up. Only two people knew about the arrangement, and one of them was dead. She was in no hurry to add someone to that exclusive list. “It was a money thing. I paid him to keep a secret for me.”
“Oh, so, you fucked him for free and paid for his silence.”
“I guess. If you want to put it in those terms.”
“If there is some other way to put it . . . please enlighten me.” Michelle was baiting Lisa, trying to provoke her to say one thing out of line.
“I don’t like your tone.” Lisa was trying to be nice to this girl, but she was pushing it.
“Did you ever once ask Lewis about his family? Did he ever mention us?”
Lisa did not like the conversation in the least bit, and she did not want to answer any more questions. “This conversation is over. I don’t owe you anything; I don’t even know you.”
“I am the daughter of the man you were sleeping with.”
“Lewis and I . . . That’s old. We have not been together for a while. It was a long time ago.”
“It was not long enough.” Michelle invaded her space a bit and stepped toward her.
Lisa stood as she saw Michelle start to approach. She was not trying to fight this girl, but she was not going to let her get the upper hand. “Michelle, I’m sorry, but I think you may have the wrong idea here.”
“I am sure you do, but I saw pictures of you two together.” Lisa may not have known about Michelle, but she was definitely messing with Lewis. Michelle was not going to let her weasel her way out of that one.
“What pictures? Does someone have pictures? Did Brianna see them?” Had someone had been following her? What in the hell was going on?
“We saw them together. My dad wasn’t the only person you were caught on candid camera with, either.”
Charlie had to be the other person. Brianna knows? She had tried so desperately to keep her past in the past that she had neglected to take care of her present. Now it was coming back to bite her. She had been careless.
Well, now, it was Lisa who wanted to get answers. “Where did you get them?”
“Someone sent them to your house. Brianna thinks that Frank saw them before he was hospitalized.”
Frank did not see those pictures. He certainly would have mentioned them to her during the argument, but he did not say a word. He only asked about the money.
Michelle saw Lisa flinch, determined to stick the knife in further, she said, “We know about the money too. We don’t know where it is . . . but we know you took it. So, you’re an adulterer as well as a thief.”
Lisa folded her arms across her chest, no longer interested in this exchange. “You don’t know anything about me, little girl. Leave this room. I think we’ve talked enough.”
“Fine. I can’t stomach another minute alone with you anyway. You’re a wretched woman, and Brianna deserved better than you.”
Michelle left, slamming the door behind her. Lisa sat on the bed trying to wrap her head around what she had learned. Was Brianna a twin? She could not believe it. Frank had known all these years. Her heart ached for Brianna and the betrayal she must be feeling. In the midst of the melee, she neglected to ask Michelle about her. She might not have told her anyway, though. She tried calling Brianna again. Still no answer. She couldn’t talk to Frank for another couple of days, and Brianna was still MIA.
She called the only other person she could think of. The only other person she knew loved her.
“What is it, Lisa?”
“Charlie . . . You answered.” Lisa had mixed feelings. She was elated to hear Charlie’s voice but still upset about what she had done.
“I almost didn’t. What can I do for you?” Charlie knew she was being harsh, but she had to be. Her heart was ready to jump through the phone and right into Lisa’s hand.
“Why did you just leave like that?”
“I needed to leave and get myself together.”
“How are you? I’ve missed you.”
“Have you, Lisa? Has your husband missed me too?” Charlie knew what this was about. Lisa needed something from her. All she ever did was take from her.
“Was that necessary?”
Charlie was screaming internally. Loud, boisterous screams. Lisa was impossible. She had been nothing more than a fun time.
“We weren’t in your future. We were only in mine.”
What was going on today? It started off so promising and was going in a completely different direction now. A 180-degree turn. First, she gets verbally attacked by Brianna’s twin, and now, Charlie? Maybe leaving wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
“I need you.”
“I need me more.”
“Just come by so we can talk, Charlie. In your letter . . . you said that you at least owed me that, right?”
Charlie wanted to see Lisa, but she was not sure if she was strong enough yet. Lisa took a lot out of her emotionally, and this conversation was already draining her. Besides, there were things she was not prepared to share with Lisa. It was better that she does not see her until she was.
“I know I said that and we will talk, but not today, Lisa. I need to go.”
“Charlie, wait—”
“Good-bye, Lisa.”
“My daughter is missing!” Lisa didn’t think Charlie cared, but she was willing to try anything to extend the conversation.
“Excuse me? What are you talking about?”
“Brianna. I haven’t heard from her, and I’m worried. I just needed someone to talk to.”
“Lisa, I don’t have time for this.”
Charlie disconnected the call. Lisa lay on the bed staring at the phone. Unbelievable. That conversation had not helped her at all. Charlie had some nerve. She wasn’t innocent, and Lisa had the dirt but chose not to throw it at her. Too bad she did not return the favor. She decided not to engage in any more conversations for a while. This was too much. She needed a stiff drink and a hot shower. She decided to start with the shower.
Chapter 38
Javan eased off the gas and allowed his black beauty to roll to a stop in the driveway of his six-month-old, three-story, red brick home. He leased it soon after he and Brianna began dating, pegging it as the perfect starter home for the family he anticipated they’d have. He glanced at the passenger seat where Brianna lay, lost in blissful sleep. Eyes fixated on hers, careful not to wake her, he stepped out of the car. Three long strides brought him to the front door. He pulled out his key to unlock the door when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.
His heart crashed into his rib cage, and he spun around with his fists clenched. Allen, Texas, was a good hour or so from the city, and Mike didn’t know about it.
“Whoa!” Noticing Javan’s hammer pulled back, poised to strike, the man backpedaled with his hands raised high in the air, quick to identify himself. “It’s me, Mr. Harris. I thought you might need some help or something.”
Javan did not relax completely, though his expression softened a bit.
“Doctor Baxter, what are you doing out here?” Javan eyed his limited edition Michael Kors timepiece. “It’s nearly 3:00 a.m.”
Doctor Baxter stood even with Javan at a solid six foot two. His deep set, pea-green eyes complimented his full head of low-cut, dark brown hair. He flashed Javan his best smile, displaying a full set of the best porcelain money could buy and dimples deep enough to swim in.
“I know it’s late. I was getting in myself from the hospital, and I thought maybe you were having car trouble or something. I didn’t mean to startle you. Just trying to do my neighborly duty.”
Typically, he would be in bed at this hour, but he was on call at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital this week. Peter Baxter was one of the few OB/GYNs w
ith a specialty in maternal-fetal medicine recognized by the American Osteopathic Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and since getting the accreditation, he spent a lot of time at the hospital.
“Thank you, I’m fine.”
Peter got the notion that Javan was ready for him to leave, but he had cause for concern.
“That lady in your car? She doesn’t look to be in great shape. I’d like to give her a once-over if you don’t mind.”
Javan wanted to be left alone. Brianna was still sleeping, and he needed to get a few things in order before he took her into the house. “I think she’s fine, Doctor Baxter, but thank you.”
Peter insisted. “Please, I am an obstetrician, and I would like to take a look at her. It won’t take long.” Peter had to think quickly. He could see that Javan was still hesitant, although he did not fully understand why. “It’s part of the oath I took when I became a doctor. I cannot, in good conscience, walk away from her like that. If something is wrong and I did nothing . . . You see where I’m going with this?”
“Fine, but I’ll need to be present.”
“That’s great! Just let me run and grab my medical bag; I’ll be right back.”
Peter sprinted across the street to his house. Javan unlocked the door and walked inside. The moon’s light reflected off of the wood floors as it poured in through the open doorway, the big, bay windows, and the skylight in the center of the large foyer. He walked briskly down the short hall, to the left, and down a few steps and entered into his “special place.” It was the most coveted room in all the house. He couldn’t stop the smile widening in his spirit as he stood looking at all its beauty. This space always gave him a sense of calm and hope. He couldn’t wait to share it with Brianna. He took in one last look and closed the door. He didn’t want to run the risk of Brianna seeing it before he was ready. It had to be perfect. He had one more thing to check; then he could bring Brianna inside, into her home.
“Ah! Who are you? Get away from me! Don’t touch me!”
Brianna kicked the strange man out of the car door, slammed it shut, and locked all four doors with lightning speed. She looked around, bewildered, uncertain of where she was or how she came to be there.
He had not meant to wake her, but, jeez, the kick was unnecessary. Her screams pierced his ears; instinctively he leaned forward to comfort her. That turned out to be a big mistake, and his swelling lips were proof of that. Peter was certain he knew her from somewhere. He was horrible with names, but he seldom forgot a face, and hers did not belong to a stranger.
Brianna stared at the man she caught studying her face under the streetlight. Who was he? From where he sat on the ground she could see no muscles to speak of. He was dressed too well for a murderer, rapist, or burglar. It must be something else. How did she leave the house? Whose car is this? She opened the glove compartment and rummaged through the various papers looking for something that would tell her. She picked up an old insurance card: Micah J. Harrison?
“Javan! Javan! Where are you?”
Doctor Baxter motioned with his arms for the woman to calm down.
“I’m a doctor.” He pulled out his badge to show her, to no avail. “My name is Dr. Peter Baxter.” Peter gave up and sat back down on the lawn. He was practically yelling at the top of his lungs trying to speak over her, and it wasn’t working. Only a matter of time before other neighbors ventured out to see what the ruckus was about.
Javan charged toward the front door and found Doctor Baxter sitting in the yard a few feet from his car. His body stiffened at the sight of him alone with Brianna. Something wasn’t right. Doctor Baxter seemed too familiar with Brianna . . . too eager.
“Oh my Gawd! Javan!” Brianna spotted him in the doorway. Why in the hell was he just standing there? “Javan!”
He rushed to Brianna’s door but couldn’t open it. For a second, Brianna’s locking it had slipped her mind. She leaned over and unlocked the passenger door, choosing to remain seated on the driver’s side. Her eyes darted between the two men accusingly. Where had Javan brought her?
“It’s OK, Bria. This is Doctor Baxter. He’s just going to check you out and make sure you’re good.” He shot a disapproving look at the physician. “I thought I told you I needed to be present.”
Doctor Baxter looked sheepishly at Javan. How was he supposed to know she would flip out like this? He’d been practicing medicine for ten years, and not once had a patient woke up swinging. “I haven’t started or anything like that. I was simply trying to figure out if I could wake her.”
Doctor Baxter tried to sound convincing, realizing that what he told Javan wasn’t entirely true. He was trying to place her face in his past, but he didn’t need Javan to know that yet.
“And she woke to some strange man prodding her? What did you expect?”
Realizing Javan had a point, Doctor Baxter lifted his 170 pounds from the ground, trying to calm the situation. “I am very sorry, miss, I did not intend to frighten you. If you don’t mind, I would still like to do a quick physical exam and run a few tests. Of course, I think I may need to see a doctor myself after that kick.”
Brianna managed a light chuckle and nodded, conceding to the exam. Javan helped her to get out of the car and carried her into the house with Peter following closely behind them. He shuffled into the living room and placed Brianna gently on the couch.
Doctor Baxter surveyed Brianna’s body. He took his hands and felt along her arms and legs. He could feel tension but no broken bones. Brianna winced a little from his touch but didn’t speak. Opening his medical bag, he asked a barrage of questions.
“Bria, is it?”
“Brianna. Brianna Mason.”
Peter did not recognize the name at all, but her eyes, nose, and high cheekbones reminded him of someone. The answer taunted him. “Ms. Mason . . .”
“Brianna is fine.”
“Very well, then, Brianna. I see that you have some soreness? Do you mind sharing what happened? Have you been in an accident recently?”
Javan cleared his throat. “Ahem.”
Doctor Baxter briefly turned his attention to Javan, puzzled a bit by his interruption.
“Sorry. Something in my throat.” Javan tried to adjust, coughing a few times for effect, to sell Doctor Baxter on his explanation.
The physician did not believe that for a minute. Something was going on here. He turned back to Brianna trying to detect anything that she may not be able to say aloud. He silently wished he had not consented to Javan being there. It started to make sense. Her bruises and the way she attacked him. All were clear signs of abuse.
Javan forced his eyes to circle the room. He knew he couldn’t ask Brianna to keep quiet about what happened, but he hoped she would not say anything to Doctor Baxter. He didn’t want his brother in trouble over this. He looked away from Brianna.
“No, I have not been in an accident.” Brianna figured Javan did not want her outing his brother, but in earnest, she did not feel like explaining the whole ordeal. She barely understood what happened herself.
“It’s been a rough few days for her,” Javan offered.
“I see.” Doctor Baxter met Brianna’s eyes and spoke intently. “Physically, you seem fine. You are, however, exhibiting classic signs of post-traumatic stress. Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it? I am not a psychologist, but I can recommend someone.”
Brianna thought about telling him. He seemed genuinely concerned, and there was something about the way he looked at her. She got the impression that he knew her, loved her even.
Javan rubbed his clammy hands together. Beads of sweat covered his forehead as he awaited Brianna’s response. There would be nothing he could do for his brother if Doctor Baxter took the information to the authorities. Nothing short of advising him to run.
“I’ll . . . I’ll take that referral if you don’t mind. I just don’t want to hash it out tonight.”
Doctor Baxter sighed in frustration. This too was typical of victims
of abuse. He gave her his business card and scribbled the psychologist’s name and number on the back.
“Contact me if you need anything.” He drew out his words, emphasizing each one. “The referral information is on the back. Please contact her. She’s really good, and I know she can help.”
“Thank you, Doctor Baxter. I appreciate this. I am sorry I kicked you. I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay. I shouldn’t have been so close. You were only defending yourself.” Doctor Baxter felt Javan’s eyes on him, but he kept his eyes on Brianna.
“Yes, thank you, Doctor Baxter. We appreciate it. Good thing you happened to be out.” Javan forced a smile.
“I suppose it was.” Doctor Baxter stood and gave Javan a firm handshake. “You be sure to take good care of her. I would hate for anything to happen to her.”
If Javan didn’t know any better, he would have sworn Doctor Baxter was threatening him. “Naturally.”
Doctor Baxter bent down once more and spoke with Brianna. “Call me. All right? I insist. I would like to do a follow-up. Come by my office. We’ll run some lab work and confirm that everything is as it seems.”
“Sure, I’ll do that.”
He squeezed Brianna’s hand. “Good. I’ll see you soon.”
Doctor Baxter nodded to Javan, grabbed his bag, and left. He would be keeping tabs on this young lady. The situation did not sit well with him, and once he had a chance to calm down and think, Doctor Baxter finally realized who the young woman reminded him of. It had been at least twenty years, but her beautiful blue eyes stirred his heart as if she were still his. The timetable was about right. This woman looked to be between twenty and twenty-five years old. This could be her daughter. The only kink in his theory was the last name, Mason. The name she should carry was Freemont. He held tight to the strand of hair he had taken from Brianna. A DNA test would put his questions to rest. If this was her daughter, she could be the key to him finding her . . . the only woman he had ever loved. She disappeared without saying a word to him and had taken his heart along with her. This may be his chance to get her back . . . for good.
* * *