Virtuous Deception Page 24
He stood in disbelief as she walked around in circles, frantic and disturbed by what surrounded her. She stopped walking and looked at Javan, still standing in the middle of the room, in the same place she left him before she unleashed her rant.
He did not understand what was happening. The pictures were beautiful and allowed him to be close to her when she had kept him away. She should be happy. The man she loved just proposed to her. They were getting married.
“Brianna, stop behaving like this. We are getting married. This room is but a small measure of how deeply I adore you. Don’t you understand? I love you.” Javan felt things going south. His plan was unraveling quickly. He did not like it. He did not like that one bit.
Brianna responded without thinking. Javan had gone too far, and she reacted instinctively. He had lost it. This was a nightmare. She didn’t know what he could have been thinking. Perhaps she should have wondered, though. She should have considered his feelings before she said what she said. Before she let those words run from her mouth and into that space where his heart had been.
“I will never marry you! Are you out of your mind? I don’t even think I know you. You’re psychotic!” Brianna had tried to run up the stairs and toward the front door, but Javan was faster. Bigger. He had sprinter’s legs and easily caught her. Brianna did not make it easy. She fought him. Punched. Kicked. Even bit him. Nothing worked. It only served to exacerbate his anger. They ended up against the wall with his hands around her neck. After all of this, he wanted nothing more than to make love to her. She rejected and discarded him, but he desired her. He hated how weak she made him feel. He felt some of that power return to him as he choked her, surging and electrifying his senses as her body went limp, yielding itself to him.
He did not stop. He had become someone else. Her losing consciousness was not enough. She needed to be punished for her behavior. She embarrassed him by not shouting a resounding and elated “Yes!” to his marriage proposal. They should have been celebrating their union, but Brianna had ruined it. He had put in ample amounts of his valuable time, preparing for this moment. Everything was perfect for her, but she—just like the others—was another spoiled rich kid who needed to be taught a lesson.
Brianna was not the first woman to capture Javan’s heart, but he was determined that she would be the last. He hoped she would be different. Some part of him still did. She was fortunate that he had learned not to react hastily. Had this happened a couple of years ago, things might have gone very differently. Carla was not so lucky. Her body was never found, and the accused, Micah Javan Harrison, disappeared. There should have been a statewide manhunt, but someone with a higher status, more weight than the lowly homicide detective assigned to the case, stopped the investigation cold. With no evidence of a crime, no leads, and no suspect, they could not pursue it. It was like neither he, nor Carla, ever existed, and he had not been seen again . . . until now.
Brianna had unwittingly served as the catalyst for a dynamic change. Though it had not been the first time that such a change had occurred, it was the first time in a while. Javan had tried to love her, but she rejected him. Brianna did not appreciate his niceties and had taken him for granted. He had managed his anger all these years, but Brianna’s actions had forced him to put those techniques away. He could no longer be the “nice guy” with her. He was not accepting no for an answer. He knew from the first time he saw her that she was special.
He experienced urges he had long since forgotten, and he knew it was only a matter of time before she would be his. If only she had expressed her love aptly. If she had not been so damn disrespectful. Javan could not allow that. If Brianna wanted to act like the other bitches before her, then, so be it. That was exactly how he would treat her. Brianna had crossed the line. There was no going back after that. Javan would make her pay for how emasculated he felt in her presence. He had been silent about her ridiculous rules and had put up with her nonsense with little protest, choosing to deal with the pain and discomfort inflicted by her selfishness because he cared so deeply for her. He had considered it all a means to an end, a necessary hardship that ultimately would result in the family he desired.
Javan had loved many women, including Carla. Each of them was beautiful, successful, and wealthy. They were his type. Javan felt like he had something to prove, and these women could help in some way, but it never worked. He was always left more broken than before. They left him in pieces, and he was forced to pull himself together again. New state. New city. New people. Javan would enjoy his fresh start and refrain from engaging with the opposite sex, but inevitably, there would be one woman that he could not disregard. One that would invade his mind and possess him.
Most ended amicably as far as that went, but Carla was different. She had torn him open in a way that no woman had before her. Javan decided he would not let it get that far with Brianna. He had done even more for Brianna than he had for Carla. He had dedicated an entire house to this woman. Javan was so desperate for love, trying to replace the mother he never had, to impress the father that had taken a laser to his life trying to cover him up like a bad tattoo.
Mike was his brother, and he loved him, but they had not been raised together. Their father was a proud man, and his image was of the utmost importance. There was no possible way he would allow his friends at the country club know that he had fathered a child with his maid. Instead of embracing Javan as his son, he sent him away. Mike always kept in touch with him, though, and lent him whatever he had.
Javan blamed his dad for how Mike had turned out. He could have been a lawyer or a doctor. He had a brilliant mind and was on the right track, but something changed him. Javan guessed that their father had screwed his brother out of his future the same way he had screwed him out of his. Javan worked hard to get where he was and decided years ago that he would have everything his father had—even if he had to take it from him.
He had traveled a bit and accomplished more. Finally, he made it back to Dallas and was ready to complete his life. He needed Brianna to finish the picture, and she had turned him down cold. Javan was in pain, and he needed to neutralize the situation, to convince Brianna that they were better together. Once he had her by his side, he knew he could confront his dad and lay claim to what was rightfully his. Mike had decided to accept his exile, but Javan would not. He didn’t feel he had enough to go at him, not without Brianna. She complemented him perfectly. He needed her. She was designed for him, and if he couldn’t have her . . . no one would.
He had taken her to a room not too far from the living room and sequestered her. It was not a bedroom, but it was nice enough. It would do. Javan did not want her to be too uncomfortable. He considered her his wife as long as she wore his ring; the superglue he lined it with was meant to all but guarantee that this would always be true. He needed to make sure that she would appreciate everything he had to offer first. Once he was satisfied that she had learned her lesson, then they could resume their lives together. Not a moment sooner, though.
Javan wasn’t certain about what he wanted to do with her yet. He looked at his watch. Some time had passed. Perhaps a conversation was in order. He needed to see what state of mind she was in. He had been sitting in her office, tendering his resignation. He would not be returning to work anytime soon, and if he failed to change her mind, he imagined he’d have to move again. He made his way through the house to the room Brianna was in, unlocked the door, and stood just inside.
Brianna was sitting in the far left corner of the room rocking and cradling her legs. She stopped moving when she heard the door. She looked at Javan in complete disbelief. How could she have been so foolish? This man was a complete stranger. Even his posture was different.
“What in the fuck are you looking at?”
Brianna kept her mouth closed, but she could not look away. She stared at the man she had made love to just hours before and did not recognize him. Javan had never before spoken to her in this way, and he had certainly neve
r put his hands on her. How did she miss the signs?
“I asked a question.”
Javan walked to where she sat, squatted, and put his face directly in front of hers, so close that their noses were touching. Brianna shook with fear; she could feel her teeth chattering.
“Don’t fucking lie to me. I hate that shit. Last chance. Now, what in the fuck are you looking at?”
“I . . . you. I was looking at you.”
“Did I stutter? Apologize.”
“I . . . I’m so . . . sorry.” Brianna whimpered. She had never been so afraid in her life. She didn’t think anything could have been worse than being dragged off the beach, but she was wrong. This was worse.
“Stupid bitch. Do you even know why you’re apologizing?”
Brianna shook her head no. She had no idea what was happening. She just wanted it to stop.
“What in the fuck did I see in you?”
Brianna was lost. The situation was overwhelming her senses. She did not know if she wanted to vomit, sleep, cry, or laugh. Javan shook his head, completely disgusted with this pathetic version of Brianna. Could he have misread her over the last few months? He expected a little more fight from her. She seemed to be folding right in front of his eyes. It hurt him a little to see her like that, but bitches gotta learn.
“I love you. You know that? Why are you behaving like a bitch? Do you want me to treat you like one?”
“Who are you?” Brianna couldn’t believe what she was seeing and hearing.
“It’s me, love, your husband.” Javan flashed her a devilish grin. “I haven’t gone anywhere.”
“Why are you doing this, Javan?”
Javan sprang to his feet. “You did this, Brianna! I didn’t want this. I wanted to marry you and give you access to the best of everything, but you didn’t want that.” He motioned to the house and everything in it with his arms as he spoke.
“I’m sorry.”
“You ran from me! I had to chase you, just like I’ve been chasing you ever since I met you! Sports isn’t your thing. Why do you keep running from me?”
“I was afraid.”
“Afraid? I love you, woman. I couldn’t let you leave.”
Brianna wanted to run again, but she knew it would be a futile attempt. Javan was between her and the door. He must have picked the only room in the house without windows to stick her in.
“I don’t understand, Javan. If you love me, how could you do this to me?”
“I am not doing this. You brought this on yourself. You’re making me do this to you.”
Brianna wanted to speak, but her lips refused her. Probably it was better that way. She didn’t know what to say. This was insane.
“See, I know you, Brianna. You think I can’t see the shit you hide, but I do. I don’t like it.”
Brianna was starting to panic. She looked at his feet. They seemed to glide across the floor as he walked back and forth. Javan kept talking, but she continued to focus on his feet. She felt her body calming a little. The pattern was soothing; it was the only thing that made sense. She could not believe what she was hearing.
“My heart is . . . fragile. Do you understand? Talk!”
Brianna looked up to find Javan staring at her.
“Bitch, do you hear me talking to your simple ass?”
“What do you want me to say?”
Javan dawdled before responding. He was not sure what he wanted her to say. He had asked but how could he believe anything that came out of her mouth now? He also did not know how he felt about her asking him anything, even if it was a valid question. But he needed answers.
“I want to know if you understand.”
“Understand what?”
“Are you trying to piss me off?”
Javan was not convinced. “I think you are.”
“I’m not.” He was poised to step to her. Brianna raised her arms defensively and prepared to shield herself, if necessary.
He started laughing. Brianna amused him. What the fuck was she doing?
“If I want to touch you, I will. Not a damn thing you can do about it.”
“I have to try.” Brianna wasn’t sure why she said anything at all.
Javan liked that. A little gumption finally. It was about damn time. He detested the idea of having a weak wife. “There may be hope for you yet.”
“Will you let me go?”
“I’m not holding you.”
Brianna rose hesitantly and walked slowly toward the door.
“I’m not holding you, but if you leave this house, no one will ever hold you again. Next time, you won’t wake up.”
Brianna stopped and considered his words. He was behind her, but she did not need to see his eyes to know he was serious. He would kill her. She was certain of it. She wondered if it would be worth it to try to escape. She took a few more steps toward the door but didn’t venture out. She did not want to live this way, but she did not want to die, either. She had to trust that Michelle would eventually find her. She just needed to survive until then. She turned around, walked back to her corner, and took her seat.
Javan smiled, pleased with her decision. “Good. I’m glad we’re finally on the same page.” He walked out.
Brianna was not sure how to feel about that, but she was glad to see him go. The lock even gave her a little comfort. On some level, the lock kept her in . . . but it also kept him out.
Chapter 46
He was grateful to be out of jail. Charlie had come through for him with the lawyer and bail money. It was the least she could do after dropping that baby bomb. He could not believe he had been so careless, but he couldn’t think about that now. He still had not heard from Lisa and could not reach Brianna. He had been out a few hours and had gotten little accomplished. The Marx Brothers were missing in action, and he had no physical location for them.
He wanted to speak with Jacob, but one of the conditions of his bail restricted it. He didn’t know what else to do, so he figured he would go to the only place he could think of: Michelle’s parents’ home. Maybe Michelle could tell him something. He had to get Brianna back. He went home to get the address and was surprised to find Lisa there. She was in their bedroom packing a bag.
“Well, how’s this for a surprise?”
Lisa jumped and nearly screamed. She had not expected to see Frank. In fact, she was trying to leave town and avoid any contact with anyone. A lot was going on, and she realized she did not want any part of it.
“Not nearly as surprised as I am to see you. When did you get out?”
“Does it matter?” Frank was furious with her, but he needed to ease into the conversation. He didn’t want to run her off without the answers to his questions.
Lisa thought about his question. It didn’t matter to her. She was tired of all the drama. Frank acted like he had done nothing wrong.
“No, I guess it doesn’t.”
“So, are we going to talk about what’s going on between us or not?”
“I vote no.”
Frank cringed. He hated when she called him that. “I know you lied about Jacob.”
Lisa ceased her packing efforts and gave her husband her undivided attention. Maxwell began to croon “Cold” through the speakers. How appropriate, she thought as she let the chorus finish before responding to Frank’s statement. How can you be so cold? Good God the girl’s gone cold . . . That was exactly how she felt. Cold.
She did, however, have a dagger of her own to throw. “I know Brianna has a twin sister.”
Frank sat down on the bed. Nothing was a shock anymore. He didn’t know how Lisa found out, but at this point, it wasn’t even important.
“Why did you lie?”
“Why did you?”
“I wanted to protect you.”
“Protect me from what, Franklin
? Hmm?”
“From any legal recourse.”
“I guess Jacob helped you with that?”
He nodded. “Your turn.”
“The truth was too painful to speak. Who told you?”
Lisa already knew who had told him. She had gone to visit Frank but saw her on her way in and changed her mind. Charlie knew Jacob, and, given the history between her and Frank, it only made sense that she was the one that told him. Enough was enough. She did not need either of them. They could have each other. She had what she needed from them and was ready to move on.
Frank didn’t want to tell her about Charlie. He didn’t want her having any more ammunition to fire at him, but something told him she knew despite the question. “A little birdie.”
Lisa didn’t feel like playing with Frank. She didn’t even really want to talk to him. “Charlie? No need to pretend, Franklin. I saw her at Lew Sterrett.”
He exhaled. That’s why she had not been to see him. She knew.
“How long?”
“Excuse me?”
“How long have you known?”
“From the beginning. Really? Did you think you were that slick, Frank? Please, you are not that inventive.”
“You could have told me the truth, Lisa.”
“Trust is not something we have.”
“Still, I could have killed him.”
“Are we talking about Jacob or Lewis?”
“Both, but Jacob right now.”
Lisa did feel guilty about that. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I hadn’t planned to tell you anything, but it just came out . . . By then, it was too late.”
“And Lewis?”
“You never asked.”
“How are we supposed to move past that . . . or any of this?”
“Who said I wanted to?”
Frank was dumbfounded. He hadn’t anticipated Lisa not wanting to be with him. Some part of him still wanted her. He didn’t know why, given all that had happened, but he couldn’t deny the twinge of pain he felt in hearing that maybe she didn’t want to try to repair their marriage.