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Virtuous Deception Page 25

  “Lisa, I know I should have told you the truth about Brianna, but we’ve both made mistakes.”

  “I don’t have to listen to this.”

  “Yes, you do. Regardless of whether you like it, you owe me.”

  “Frank, you cannot be serious. I don’t owe you or anybody else.”

  “Come on, Lisa. The affairs? The money you stole? Not to mention this big-ass, fucking lie you fed me about Jacob.”

  “I didn’t steal anything. That was our money.”

  “Lisa, please. All right. We’re down to fifty large. We had millions. Where did it go?”

  “I needed it. It’s gone. Just let it go.”

  “You are one selfish woman.”

  “And do you really want to pull the adultery card? I wouldn’t have done anything if you hadn’t starved me. What was I supposed to do? You acted like you didn’t even want to be here. We made love, what, a few times out of the year? When was the last date we went on, Frank?”

  “Maybe if you hadn’t been spreading your legs to everyone else, I would have wanted to make love to you.”

  “Fuck you. I quit Lewis, but I guess Charlie neglected to mention that little detail.”

  “Lewis was not the only guy, and you know it.”

  “That is not the point.”

  “Like hell, it isn’t! It’s the entire point, Lisa!”

  “None of that would have happened if I felt wanted here. Brianna’s presence here just made me feel like a third wheel. You made me feel like an outsider in my own family!”

  “Don’t bring Brianna into this. This has nothing to do with her.”

  “It has everything to do with her. You changed! You didn’t even discuss it with me, Frank. You just did it, and I accepted it because I had nothing else. I was your wife. Didn’t you think maybe you should have run that by me first? Never let me on the team. I was nothing more than a glorified accessory.”

  “Lisa, I was not trying to do that. It was a split-second decision. I didn’t go to the hospital intending to do that, but I thought of all that money, and so I went for it. I guess, over time, I felt guilty about it, and maybe I spoiled Brianna a bit, but that didn’t mean I didn’t love you. I loved you the best way I could.”

  “Money does not solve everything, Frank. I wanted you.”

  “I know that now. Just give me a chance to prove it, Lisa.”

  Frank wanted to know where the money went, but he didn’t want to ruin any chance he’d have for reconciliation by pushing the issue. If he knew anything about Lisa, he knew she would not be leaving empty-handed. Besides, he would let it go if it meant he could keep her.

  “Lisa, we have a family. Believe it or not, I did love you. We took vows. You belong to me.”

  “Right. Everything belongs to you. Even the woman I had? Just had to have her too? That’s sick, Frank.”

  Frank did not know how to respond to that. He was pissed when he realized that the person Lisa was sleeping with was a woman. He took it as a personal insult to him as a man. On some level, his sleeping with Charlie helped him to retain some of the dignity he lost. Lisa’s words hurt; forced him to deal with his hypocrisy. He had become complicit in her affair by beginning one of his own—and with the same woman, no less.

  “Lisa, I was hurting, and I lashed out. It didn’t mean anything.”

  “Of course not. It never does, does it?”

  “Don’t leave. Not like this. What about Brianna?”

  “Brianna does not want to see me. Thanks to you, she wants nothing to do with me.”

  “How is that my fault?”

  “She blames me for this sham of a marriage, and you let her. You have never taken any responsibility for your part in it, and I let you. Shame on me, I guess.”

  “I’m sorry. I messed up.”

  “I’m sorry too, Franklin. For what it’s worth, I loved you.”

  “So, go with that. Stay here and let’s work this out.”

  “If Brianna wants to see me, my number will be the same.”

  Lisa grabbed her bag and headed for the door. Frank stepped in front of her and blocked her path. He didn’t want her to leave.

  “Frank, please move.”

  “Lisa, I love you. I know you don’t believe that, but I do. When I thought Jacob had hurt you . . . I lost it. I couldn’t stand that. Please give me a chance.”

  “Frank, I just can’t. I need to leave. To start over. I don’t know who I am anymore, this woman. I need a change.”

  “But, Lisa—”

  “What is there of me to love, Franklin? What do you love? Do you even know?”

  Frank could not answer her. He didn’t know. He couldn’t explain why.

  “Just let me go.”

  “But I love you. I want this.” He grabbed Lisa’s hands and looked into her eyes. “I don’t want you to leave me, Lisa. Please don’t do this.”

  “Franklin, we are no good for each other. We aren’t. I love you too, but this isn’t going to work. Look at this mess we’ve made.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I don’t know yet. Some place with white sand and blue water.”

  Frank let her go but doing so brought on some of the worst pain he’s ever felt in his life. Lisa picked up her bags and walked down the hall to the front door. Reluctantly, Frank followed behind her.

  “I hope Brianna’s okay. Let me know when you find her. Hope you beat the charge too.”

  “Wish you were sticking around to help me.”

  “Me too. Give Brianna my love.”

  “I will, and I meant what I said at the hospital, Lisa. I will find you.”

  “I know.”

  Lisa got into her car and drove away. Frank meant what he said. He had done a lot to hold his family together, and he was not willing to let go of it entirely. He would let her leave for now, but he would have her again. She was still his wife, but for now, his focus was on Brianna. He grabbed the address for Michelle’s parents’ house, hopped in the car, and headed that way.

  Chapter 47

  Michelle hung up from talking to Armand. He was down to the last property on the list and still had not found Brianna. She was worried but remained hopeful. Armand vowed to her that he would bring Brianna home, and she believed him. Things were still awkward between her and Sophie, but, at least, they were talking.

  “Armand said he’s headed to the last property.”

  “She has to be there, right?”

  “We hope.”

  “Shouldn’t we call the police or something?”

  “Tell them what, exactly? I’m sorry, but I trust Armand to keep Brianna alive.”

  “I know, but this is really big, Michelle.”

  “Bottom line, all we have is our word. What are they going to do? I’ll tell you. They’ll go by and look to see if anything looks out of place. If it doesn’t, they’ll leave. Brianna will still be there. So, there’s no point. We have no proof of anything.”

  “You sure seem to know a lot about this type of thing.”

  “Well, I don’t. Armand explained it to me, and as I stated, I trust him.”

  “I think I’d feel more comfortable if the police were involved.”

  “Mom, we both know that you doing what’s comfortable isn’t always the best thing.”

  Michelle’s comment cut Sophie. She knew Michelle was angry, but she didn’t know how many more of these jabs she could take.

  “Who is Mr. Sterling, Mom?”

  Sophie did not want to discuss her past life with Michelle and did not feel the need to. Michelle was still her child. There were answers that Michelle deserved, but that was not one of them. “I took that call in another room for a reason, Michelle.”

  “So, we’re not going to talk about how you blackmailed that man?”

  “No, we’re not. That is my business. It is not up for discussion.”

  “That’s just great, Mom. Why stop keeping secrets when it’s worked out so well?”

Kaye Lewis, watch your tone. I’ve been patient, but you’re pushing it.”

  Michelle rolled her eyes. She didn’t care about what her mom had to say. If she did not need her help to get Brianna back, she wouldn’t have stayed. She was getting upset all over again. More lies. More secrets. She decided a walk might do her some good. She could use the fresh air. She figured she’d stay outside until Armand called her back. It had to be less painful than sitting in the room any longer with her mom.

  Chapter 48

  Fortunately for Brianna, Javan had only verbally assaulted her. He threatened to do more, but he hadn’t . . . yet. She got the impression that he didn’t want to hurt her. The situation was beyond weird for her. She had been trying to tell Javan that she had never meant to hurt him and that she cared a lot about him, but he wasn’t listening to her. He wanted what he wanted, and she could not reason with him. Brianna hadn’t eaten anything since the brunch Javan had prepared several hours ago. It was now well into the night, and she was hungry.

  He did not seem to care. If she had any questions about that, he confirmed it when he entered the room with his plate, sat, and began to eat in front of her.

  “You hungry?”

  Brianna nodded her head.

  “I know. This is good too. Grilled steak, salad, and mashed potatoes covered in gravy. Really hits the spot.”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Cuz you don’t appreciate shit.”

  “You act like you don’t even know me, Javan.”

  “Sure, I do. High class. High maintenance. Quick read.”

  “That’s not me.”

  “Please! Who the fuck do you think I am? Huh?”

  “I thought you loved me.”

  “I do, but you need to be taught how to treat a man.”

  “I never would have pegged you to be capable of something so cruel.”

  “Well, this is how you handle a bitch.”

  “Please, stop calling me out of my name.”

  “Shut up. I have barely seen you over the last few months. I had to make up some lie just to spend a few minutes with you. Who the fuck are you? Tamar Braxton or somebody? You ain’t worth all that.”

  “I told you I had a lot going on. It wasn’t because I didn’t care.”

  “Fuck that. You make time.” Javan put his fork back down on his plate. “You make time when you care!”

  “I tried!”

  “Fuck you! You’re a damn liar, Brianna!”

  “Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?”

  Javan rushed at her and slapped her hard across her mouth. His plate went flying to the ground, his food scattered across the floor. “Don’t ever say shit about my mother.”

  Brianna cried out in pain. Blood gushed from her quickly swelling lips.

  Javan was furious. He couldn’t believe she said that. She hadn’t learned anything. He looked at his food spread across the floor and got even angrier. He kicked her in the stomach. Brianna grunted from the impact as his steel-toed boot crashed into her rib cage.

  “Stupid bitch. Look what you did! Made me waste my food. Shit!”

  This was why his previous relationships had failed to work out. Women did not know their place. Brianna was proving to be a real disappointment.

  “You’re crying now? Did I hurt you? I tell you what . . . Whenever I find that whore of a mother, I probably will talk to that bitch just like this. She doesn’t deserve anything better. It’s not like she had ever been there for me.”

  Brianna tried to move farther into the corner, but it hurt to move. She didn’t think anything was broken, but she was pretty sure she was badly bruised.

  “What did I do to you?”

  “Made me love you. I wished I didn’t fucking care so much. You frustrate the shit out of me. Fuck.”

  “Please, let me go. I’m sorry. I’ll do whatever you say.”

  He didn’t believe her, but he found some joy in hearing the words anyway. There’s no way he broke her down that quickly. “I told you . . . You are free to go.”

  Brianna felt defeated. Tears poured from her eyes. He was not going to let her go. She was going to die there. She did the only thing she could do. She looked skyward. “God, please . . . I need some help. Please.”

  Javan squinted to see her in the darkness. The only light he allowed into the room was the small sliver of light that made it in from the hallway. Now he wished he would have turned on the light. He would pay good money to see the look on her face.

  “God, please help me.”

  “He cannot help you, Brianna. No one can.”

  Brianna cried even harder. Her face was a palette of blood, mucus, and tears. This could not be the end for her. She had so much left she wanted to do.


  Brianna was broken. Her spirit was coated with a deep sadness. Why was all of this happening to her?

  “Brianna, stop crying.” It pained Javan to see her crying. He just wanted to love her, but she had complicated things.

  Brianna kept her eyes closed and continued to pray. She didn’t know what else to do. She was starting to believe Javan was going to kill her and that he was going to do it slowly. “I just want this to be over.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Javan started to walk toward her, but he heard a noise, and it did not sound like it was coming from outside. It was quick, but he could tell it was definitely from within the house. Brianna could wait. He peeked his head out the door into the hallway but did not see anything. He walked toward the front door, in the direction that he thought the noise might have come from.

  Through the frosted glass in his front door, he could make out a male figure. He clenched his fists, preparing for the worst. It was late, and he was not expecting company. He unlocked the door and slowly opened it.

  “Mr. Harris.”

  “Doctor Baxter, what can I do for you?” Javan forced a smile for the good doctor.

  “Well, as I told you earlier this week, I was on call. I just got back from the hospital and realized I hadn’t heard from Brianna.” Doctor Baxter waited for Javan to say something, but since he remained silent, he continued. “I told her I wanted to follow up, and I was hoping that now would be a good time.”

  Javan closed his eyes to hide his annoyance and kept smiling. “I completely understand. We had actually forgotten about . . . goodness . . . Anyway, she went home not too long ago. I’m afraid you missed her, but I’m sure she’ll call you. You know, once things get settled.”

  Doctor Baxter knew Javan was lying, but he had no proof; only his gut telling him something was very wrong. He didn’t bother hiding his disappointment. “Oh well, that’s a shame. I guess I couldn’t bother you for her contact number, or an e-mail, or something?”

  “I am not comfortable giving out her personal information like that, Doctor Baxter. I figure if she wanted you to have it, she would have passed that info herself.”

  Doctor Baxter wanted to wipe that smug grin off his face. He kept his composure, though. “Hopefully, I will hear from her.”


  “By the way, I thought I saw someone on your lawn when I first pulled up, but I didn’t see anything once I parked. Maybe I imagined it.”

  Javan didn’t see any cars in the street. Doctor Baxter was just trying to scare him, and it wasn’t going to work. “Looks like it. There is no one here but me.”

  Doctor Baxter peered into the hallway behind Javan as he closed the door, blocking his access. He did not see anything.

  “Have a nice night,” Javan said before closing the door.

  Doctor Baxter walked home, plotting his next move. The DNA results had confirmed his suspicions. Brianna was Sophia Freemont’s daughter and his bridge to a new life.

  Javan went back into the house and returned to the room where he was keeping Brianna prisoner. However, Brianna was gone. He was not worried. She may have used Doctor Baxter’s little intrusion to leave the room, but she had to be in t
he house, and she couldn’t have gone far.

  “I know you’re in here. You can’t hide,” Javan laughed as he searched. This female was a trip. Where was she going to go? She was entertaining. He gave her that much credit. She kept things interesting, but there would be definite repercussions for leaving the room.

  “Where are you?” Javan crept through the house, listening for her. “Brianna! You gon’ pay for this shit! I don’t like my time wasted, not that I had shit to do, but, still . . .”

  He noticed the back door was open and smiled to himself. Of course, she went into the backyard. “We need to finish up. You said you wanted it to be over, right?”

  As he reached the back door and stepped his foot out into the yard, he ran into an invisible brick wall. At least for him, that’s how it felt.

  Armand was waiting for him outside the door. He saw Javan’s foot, surprising him with a hard left that caught him square in the jaw. Javan went flying back inside the house. He landed with a thud, confused and in shock, but he quickly scrambled to his feet. Armand was coming toward him. His mind reeled. Who in the fuck is this?

  Javan swung and missed. Armand caught him again, this time with a right.

  “Wait. Wait. Shit. Who are you?”

  Armand didn’t say a word. He just hit him again. And again. Javan felt like his face was on fire. His eye was swollen, and his lip was busted, but he was determined not to let this dude kick his ass. He swung wildly to create some space between him and his attacker, scooting away from him as quickly as he could.

  “What do you want? Take the shit.”

  Armand stopped moving. Javan stood up. Armand had a few pounds on him and clearly better hands. Javan steadied himself.

  “Fuck you, bitch. You caught me off guard, but I see you.”

  Armand was not worried about Javan’s mouth. His only concern was getting Brianna out safely. Javan was in the way. Brianna was in the backyard, out of harm’s way for now, but Armand would feel better if she was in his car. He didn’t have time for this.

  Armand ran at Javan and hit him with an uppercut. Javan felt his feet leave the tiled floor. Armand didn’t even let him land. He snatched him out of the air and threw him into the hall as Javan slammed into the wall. Wasting no time, Armand picked him up again and slammed him into the opposite wall. Javan tried to stand, but Armand ran his foot into his face, breaking his nose. Javan couldn’t move and was helpless as Armand kicked him repeatedly. He tasted his blood as it filled his mouth, poured from his nose, and leaked from his lips. He still couldn’t find out what was on his mind: who the fuck is this dude?